The Blue Dress

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Stories chosen and edited by Libby Hathorn.

Who is the girl in the Blue Dress? Libby Hathorn has asked some of Australia’s finest writers for their response to the painting by internationally acclaimed artist Brian Dunlop.

First love, joy and disappointment, secrets, violence and the vagaries of fate are interwoven in these stories that remind us things are not always as they appear.

Full of pathos, insight and wry humour, The Blue Dress is a stunning display of the possibilities of imagination.

A selection of stories by some of Australia’s best-known and best-loved authors inspired by a Brian Dunlop painting of a young girl in a blue dress, standing on a beach. The painting is an Australia Post postage stamp.


Publisher: Hodder Headline, Australia

Year: 1999, first printed Reed Heinemann, Australia 1991