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Perfect Poetry: Awesome Abstract Nouns, Session 3

6 April, 2020 / News, Poetry

Feelings and Awesome Abstract Nouns You can view today’s lesson video on my author Facebook page The Shape of a Poem Long and skinny, can look like a list, lots of white around it. Sometimes rhymes,  and always has its own rhythm New thought, new line… Poetry expresses our senses and our feelings  It’s ‘ ...

Perfect Poetry: Marvels of Metaphor Session 2

1 April, 2020 / News, Poetry

Hi again everyone You can also view today’s poetrey session on my Facebook page Here’s your scaffolding to create your very own poetry using the magic of metaphors. Enjoy! More Perfect Poetry: Part 2 A Metaphorical Walk   The most powerful tool that poets use is metaphor. It’s a long word but don’t be afraid ...

Perfect Poetry – New Online Sessions with Libby Hathorn Session 1

30 March, 2020 / Poetry

Perfect Poetry with Libby Hathorn  Session 1: Delighting in Your Five Senses For the live video session: go to Libby Hathorn’s Facebook page March 30 The Shape of a Poem Long and skinny, a list, lots of white around it. Sometimes rhymes and always has its own rhythm Poetry is about our senses and our ...

Poetry In the Setting Sun

27 November, 2017 / News, Poetry

About 45 people gathered for the unveiling of the memorial for Dorothea Mackellar at the family plot, Friday 24th November at 6pm, 2017 at Waverley Cemetery. The famous second stanza “I love a sunburnt country” etched in marble, covered in red velvet was unveiled by the Mayor of Waverly, John Wakefield and there followed a ...